CBE 소프트웨어(CBE Software), [줄리아(J.U.L.I.A.)]에 대한 퍼블리셔 레이스 맘바 글로벌(Lace Mamba Global)과의 계약 취소! 로얄티를 못 받아서!
업데이트 1 : 2013/01/26 12:24
이 글에 의하면 디지털까지 묶어 계약한게 맞네요. 답장을 안 준 정도가 아니라 피해다녔다고. 변호사 고용해 법적인 정식 공문을 보내도 답장을 안 줬고, 어드벤쳐 샵에서 3 달이나 1위를 했음에도 디지털 0개 팔렸다는 거짓말을 했다고 합니다. [타이니 뱅 스토리] 이전에는 [다크 폴] 시리즈 몇 개에도 똑같은 일을 했다고 합니다. 진짜 악질이군요.
CBE 소프트웨어는 옛날에 [고스트 인 더 시트(Ghost in the Sheet)]라는 어드벤쳐 게임을 내놓았던 곳입니다. 거기서 다음 작품으로 SF 어드벤쳐 [줄리아(J.U.L.I.A.)]를 내놓은 적이 있는데요. 그 배급을 맡은 퍼블리셔 레이스 맘바 글로벌(Lace Mamba Global)과 계약을 취소한다는 보도자료가 와서 그대로 긁어 올려봅니다. 이유는 '돈을 못 받아서'. 좀 더 정확히 말하면 '로열티나 요청 편지에 대한 답장 모두 못 받아서'.
레이스 맘바 글로벌은 영국의 퍼블리셔로써, 호주 등의 패키지 퍼블리싱을 직접 담당하고 유럽 등은 다른 퍼블리셔를 통해 배급을 맡기는 것을 주로 담당하는 듯 싶습니다. [줄리아]의 경우 패키지만 계약했는지 디지털까지 포함되어있는지는 정확히 적혀있지 않습니다. 아이폰용 [줄리아 언톨드]는 레이스 맘바가 등록한 것으로 나오고, PC판 [줄리아]의 디지털 판매는 디지털 게임 팩토리(DIgital Game Factory)라는 신생 업체가 배급한걸로 나옵니다. 아마 패키지와 디지털 모두 레이스 맘바 글로벌이 개입하지 않았나 짐작해봅니다.
퍼블리셔와 계약 해지하면서 [줄리아]를 스팀 그린라이트에 들고 갔습니다.
더불어 이 보도자료에서 언급된 [타이니 뱅 스토리(Tiny Bang Story)]의 계약 취소 내용은 여기서 보시면 됩니다.
Colibri Games has canceled distribution agreement with Lace Mamba Global - 보도자료, 2012/08/21
CBE software has Canceled Publishing Agreement with Lace Mamba Global
Brno, January 24rd, 2013, Czech Republic - CBE software s.r.o. has cancelled their exclusive publishing agreement with Lace Mamba Global ltd. CBE software would like to inform, that this step had to be taken due to the reason that Lace Mamba Global has breached the exclusive publishing agreement for the video games J.U.L.I.A. and J.U.L.I.A. Untold.
Lace Mamba Global ltd. has neither delivered royalty reports nor paid any of the money mutually agreed upon in the said publishing agreement for the period of 10 months. Two official letters were sent with an attempt to settle the situation peacefully. Neither of them however has triggered any kind of response. For that reason Lace Mamba Global is no longer allowed to publish videogames J.U.L.I.A. (PC) and J.U.L.I.A. Untold (iOS).
CBE software will now contact all distribution channels and inform them that they are no longer allowed to sell J.U.L.I.A. without a prior written distribution agreement with CBE software.
Jan Kavan, director at CBE software, comments upon the current situation: "It's an extremely sad ending of the past four years of our life. We've created the game using our very own budget without any external funding yet we were able to create a title we are really proud of. When well-known publisher, whom we have trusted so much, behaved like that, it was an extremely demotivating experience for us. Moreover we've handed them both games as finished products so there was not any risk involved for them. Such nefarious behavior had an absolutely destructive impact on our small independent studio. Unfortunately similar story just recently announced by Colibri Games (Tiny Bang Story) ensured us that it's not a misunderstanding and that we have to act."
To recover from this situation CBE software would also like to announce that J.U.L.I.A. has been added to Steam Greenlight.
"We plan to do a remastered version with changing things which were not all that well received by players and we will include a bonus soundtrack as a part of the Steam release. Even if you own the game already, please upvote J.U.L.I.A. there. Steam could help us survive the situation and recover from this unexpected blow. If we get greenlit, we will also issue a patch for existing J.U.L.I.A. owners which will add the remastered functionality.“, finishes Jan Kavan.
The Steam Greenlight campaign is located at:
About J.U.L.I.A.
J.U.L.I.A. is a narrative driven adventure game in a science-fiction scenario: In the year 2430, Rachel Manners, a 35 year old astrobiologist and member of an elite group of scientists, which is sent off in a giant space ship to mankind’s most exciting space mission: to explore the first ever discovered extra-terrestrial life-forms.
About CBE software
Founded in 2006 by Jan Kavan and Lukas Medek, a duo of creative independent developers from the Czech Republic, CBE software has a clear mission: To bring strong stories to life, and explore new possibilities beyond the traditional gameplay paradigm. CBE software's has succesfully released the video games Ghost in the Sheet (PC), J.U.L.I.A. (PC), J.U.L.I.A. Untold (iOS) and Vampires (PC, Mac, iOS, Android).
www: www.cbe-software.com
이 글에 의하면 디지털까지 묶어 계약한게 맞네요. 답장을 안 준 정도가 아니라 피해다녔다고. 변호사 고용해 법적인 정식 공문을 보내도 답장을 안 줬고, 어드벤쳐 샵에서 3 달이나 1위를 했음에도 디지털 0개 팔렸다는 거짓말을 했다고 합니다. [타이니 뱅 스토리] 이전에는 [다크 폴] 시리즈 몇 개에도 똑같은 일을 했다고 합니다. 진짜 악질이군요.
CBE 소프트웨어는 옛날에 [고스트 인 더 시트(Ghost in the Sheet)]라는 어드벤쳐 게임을 내놓았던 곳입니다. 거기서 다음 작품으로 SF 어드벤쳐 [줄리아(J.U.L.I.A.)]를 내놓은 적이 있는데요. 그 배급을 맡은 퍼블리셔 레이스 맘바 글로벌(Lace Mamba Global)과 계약을 취소한다는 보도자료가 와서 그대로 긁어 올려봅니다. 이유는 '돈을 못 받아서'. 좀 더 정확히 말하면 '로열티나 요청 편지에 대한 답장 모두 못 받아서'.
레이스 맘바 글로벌은 영국의 퍼블리셔로써, 호주 등의 패키지 퍼블리싱을 직접 담당하고 유럽 등은 다른 퍼블리셔를 통해 배급을 맡기는 것을 주로 담당하는 듯 싶습니다. [줄리아]의 경우 패키지만 계약했는지 디지털까지 포함되어있는지는 정확히 적혀있지 않습니다. 아이폰용 [줄리아 언톨드]는 레이스 맘바가 등록한 것으로 나오고, PC판 [줄리아]의 디지털 판매는 디지털 게임 팩토리(DIgital Game Factory)라는 신생 업체가 배급한걸로 나옵니다. 아마 패키지와 디지털 모두 레이스 맘바 글로벌이 개입하지 않았나 짐작해봅니다.
퍼블리셔와 계약 해지하면서 [줄리아]를 스팀 그린라이트에 들고 갔습니다.
더불어 이 보도자료에서 언급된 [타이니 뱅 스토리(Tiny Bang Story)]의 계약 취소 내용은 여기서 보시면 됩니다.
Colibri Games has canceled distribution agreement with Lace Mamba Global - 보도자료, 2012/08/21
CBE software has Canceled Publishing Agreement with Lace Mamba Global
Brno, January 24rd, 2013, Czech Republic - CBE software s.r.o. has cancelled their exclusive publishing agreement with Lace Mamba Global ltd. CBE software would like to inform, that this step had to be taken due to the reason that Lace Mamba Global has breached the exclusive publishing agreement for the video games J.U.L.I.A. and J.U.L.I.A. Untold.
Lace Mamba Global ltd. has neither delivered royalty reports nor paid any of the money mutually agreed upon in the said publishing agreement for the period of 10 months. Two official letters were sent with an attempt to settle the situation peacefully. Neither of them however has triggered any kind of response. For that reason Lace Mamba Global is no longer allowed to publish videogames J.U.L.I.A. (PC) and J.U.L.I.A. Untold (iOS).
CBE software will now contact all distribution channels and inform them that they are no longer allowed to sell J.U.L.I.A. without a prior written distribution agreement with CBE software.
Jan Kavan, director at CBE software, comments upon the current situation: "It's an extremely sad ending of the past four years of our life. We've created the game using our very own budget without any external funding yet we were able to create a title we are really proud of. When well-known publisher, whom we have trusted so much, behaved like that, it was an extremely demotivating experience for us. Moreover we've handed them both games as finished products so there was not any risk involved for them. Such nefarious behavior had an absolutely destructive impact on our small independent studio. Unfortunately similar story just recently announced by Colibri Games (Tiny Bang Story) ensured us that it's not a misunderstanding and that we have to act."
To recover from this situation CBE software would also like to announce that J.U.L.I.A. has been added to Steam Greenlight.
"We plan to do a remastered version with changing things which were not all that well received by players and we will include a bonus soundtrack as a part of the Steam release. Even if you own the game already, please upvote J.U.L.I.A. there. Steam could help us survive the situation and recover from this unexpected blow. If we get greenlit, we will also issue a patch for existing J.U.L.I.A. owners which will add the remastered functionality.“, finishes Jan Kavan.
The Steam Greenlight campaign is located at:
About J.U.L.I.A.
J.U.L.I.A. is a narrative driven adventure game in a science-fiction scenario: In the year 2430, Rachel Manners, a 35 year old astrobiologist and member of an elite group of scientists, which is sent off in a giant space ship to mankind’s most exciting space mission: to explore the first ever discovered extra-terrestrial life-forms.
About CBE software
Founded in 2006 by Jan Kavan and Lukas Medek, a duo of creative independent developers from the Czech Republic, CBE software has a clear mission: To bring strong stories to life, and explore new possibilities beyond the traditional gameplay paradigm. CBE software's has succesfully released the video games Ghost in the Sheet (PC), J.U.L.I.A. (PC), J.U.L.I.A. Untold (iOS) and Vampires (PC, Mac, iOS, Android).
www: www.cbe-software.com
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