3일전인 2013/07/12에 메일 하나를 받았습니다. [세컨드 라이프]로 유명한 린덴 랩이 데수라를 구입했다는 내용입니다. 물론 린덴 랩이 데수라 내부를 뜯어고칠거 같진 않고, 일단은 소유주만 바뀐 상태에서 예전과 똑같이 놓으며 좀 더 발전시키지 않을까 싶습니다. 최소한 '팝캡을 산 EA 놀이' 따위는 안 하겠죠.

... 근데 매수와 그 발표를 스팀 썸머 세일 직전에 하면 묻히기 딱 좋은데... 일부러 조용히 하려고 그때 발표한건지...

인디 게임계에 있어서 굉장히 큰 뉴스 중 하나인데, 스팀 세일 때문에 올리는걸 잊고 있었습니다. 늦게나마 올려봅니다.


To game developers on Desura and IndieRoyale

If you've read Techcrunch, Gamasutra, GamesIndustry, Gamespot, GamingOnLinux, Joystiq, Destructoid (and more) recently, you may have seen the news that Desura has been acquired by Linden Lab, the makers of shared creative spaces including Second Life, Patterns, Creatorverse, Versu, and dio.

- Officially announced here: http://lindenlab.com/releases/linden-lab-acquires-desura
- Our coverage is here: http://www.desura.com/news/linden-lab-acquires-desura

With Linden Lab's support, we plan on expanding our team and providing you with more co-ordinated coverage, sales, marketing efforts, reporting, and assistance from us. We want to solve challenges like discoverability and giving your customers' choice, and we look forward to doing so. We are going to continue to polish and innovate so Desura stands out and does its most important job better: getting your game into customers' hands.

As always, we aim to be totally transparent and upfront, so please don't hesitate to respond with any questions you may have. Oh, and look out for more information from us over the coming months as our big plans fall into place.

The Desura Team
Scott, Dave, Tim, and now Linden Lab


2013-07-15 12:38:54

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